
For inquires please contact Admissions Office


Scholarships and Grants

General Requirements for All Types of Scholarship

  1. Should have earned at least 18 units per semester except in the last semester or unless the curriculum requirements provide otherwise.
  2. A mark of INCOMPLETE or FAILED in any course of the program of study applied disqualifies a student from scholarship.
  3. Possesses good moral character and exemplary conduct.
  4. Official sanction or penalty imposed on a student after a formal investigation is conducted disqualifies a student-scholar from scholarships.

*No dual scholarship may be enjoyed by any recipient. The evaluation and decision of the Office of Scholarship shall be final. The Office has the right to amend these rules and regulations when deemed necessary.

List of Scholarships




  • One-year residency for non-scholars on their first year level
  • General Weighted Average of at least 1.50 with no grade lower than 2.00, including PE and NSTP for 2 (two) consecutive semesters
  • Carried a minimum academic load of 18 units in the semester prior to the application


Renewal after First Semester of Enrolment

A grantee may enjoy continued scholarship and onwards if he/she has a General Weighted Average of at least 1.50 with no grade lower than 2.00 in all his/her subjects including PE and NSTP, and carried at least 18 units of academic load to a maximum of the regular units per semester of the program of study enrolled.


Privilege during the First Semester of Enrolment

  • 100% Tuition Fee Discount for obtaining a GWA of 1.00 to 1.10
  • 75%  Tuition Fee Discount for obtaining a GWA of 1.11 – 1.30
  • 50%  Tuition Fee Discount for obtaining a GWA of 1.31 to 1.50



  • 100% Tuition Fee Discount – With Highest Honors
  • 75% Tuition Fee Discount – With Highest Honors
  • 50% Tuition Fee Discount – With Highest Honors


Maintaining grade for renewal for the succeeding year/semester – 95% and no grade lower than 85%.



  • Endorsed by the Director – Center for Culture and the Arts
  • Passed the screening
  • No failing grades
  • Slot availability

Renewal after First Semester of Enrolment

A grantee may enjoy continued scholarship during his second semester and onwards if he has passed in all his subjects including PE and NSTP, carries at least 18 units of academic load to a maximum of the regular units per semester of the program of study enrolled. A grantee to enjoy the said scholarship should also be recommended by the Director of the Center for Culture and the Arts.

Privilege during the First Semester of Enrolment

Partial/Full Tuition Fee Discount, depending on the endorsement of the CCA


  • Endorsed by the Director – Sports Development Office
  • Passed the screening
  • No failing grades
  • Slot availability

Renewal after First Semester of Enrolment

A grantee may enjoy continued scholarship during his second semester and onwards if he has passed in all his subjects including PE and NSTP, carries at least 18 units of academic load to a maximum of the regular units per semester of the program of study enrolled. A grantee to enjoy said scholarship should also be recommended by the Director – Sports Development Office, based on department’s priority.

Privilege during the First Semester of Enrolment

Partial/Full Tuition Fees Discount, depending on the endorsement of the Sports Development Office.


  • Passed the screening and interview
  • Family income below minimum
  • No failing grades
  • Slot Availability

Renewal after First Semester of Enrolment

A grantee may enjoy continued scholarship during his second semester and onwards if he has passed in all his subjects including PE and NSTP, carries at least 18 units of academic load to a maximum of the regular units per semester of the program of study enrolled, and has rendered the prescribed number of hours of service duty in the office where he was deployed. A grantee to enjoy said scholarship should also be recommended by the concerned Department Head, based on the department’s priority.

Privilege during the First Semester of Enrolment

100% Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Discount


  • Resident of adopted Community
  • Endorsed by Barangay Captain
  • Family Income below minimum
  • At least 80% average
  • Slot Availability

Renewal after First Semester of Enrolment

A grantee may enjoy continued scholarship during his second semester and onwards if he has passed in all his subjects including PE and NSTP, carries at least 18 units of academic load to a maximum of the regular units per semester of the program of study enrolled, and has rendered the prescribed number of hours for community services.

Privilege during the First Semester of Enrolment

100% Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Discount

Tuition Fee Discounts And Privileges

  1. Full Payment Discount
  2. A student who pays all his fees at the beginning of the school year/semester is given 5% discount on tuition charges.

  3. Brothers/Sisters Discount
  4. 3 siblings enrolled in SPCF. This privilege entitles legitimate brothers and sisters – 20% Tuition Fee Discount on the 3rd sibling.

  5. Discount Privileges for Faculty Members and Administrative Employees.
  6. The school assists faculty members and administrative employees in the education of their children through grant of tuition subsidies. To some extent and consideration, the same benefit maybe extended to the spouse, siblings or other relatives of kin.

    Full-time faculty members and administrative employees who have rendered at least one (1) year of continuous full-time service may apply for this benefit.

    Children discount on tuition fee granted limited to 4 children only.

    1st Child
    2nd Child
    3rd Child
    4th Child

  7. Alumni Discount
  8. (valid until the student graduated, not applicable for repeaters)
    • SPCF Alumni - 20% Tuition Fee Discount valid until the student graduated.
    • SPCF Alumni Dependent - 25% Tuition Fee Discount on children not to exceed three (3).

  9. AFP / PNP / BJMP / BFP
  10. The AFP / PNP / BJMP / BFP members and their legitimate children, including retired uniformed personnel enjoy 25% tuition fee discount.

  11. PAG-IBIG Loyalty Card
  12. 15% Tuition Fee Discount for Pag-ibig loyalty card holder and their dependent.

  13. Solo Parent
  14. 15% Tuition Fee Discount for Solo Parent with valid ID from DSWD.

  15. Person with Disability
  16. 15% Tuition Fee Discount for Person with disability and their dependent with valid ID from DSWD.

Application Requirements and Qualification

  1. Accomplished application form with recent 1x1 picture.
  2. Attached the requirements for the following categories:
      Certificate of Recognition from the Principal/recognition(photocopy)
      Report Card/Grades (Certificate true copy)
    • ALUMNI
      Alumni ID
      Alumni's Birth Certificate
      Family Tree
      Birth Certificate (photocopy)
      Unexpired I.D. of Officer
      Commanding officer endorsement letter
      Endorsement Letter of Immediate Head
      Endorsement Letter of Immediate Head
      Indigency Certificate
      Parent Income Tax Return
      Certificate of Proclamation
      Solo Parent ID
      PWD ID
  3. Submit the accomplished application form with the requirements to the Scholarships and Grants Office.
  4. Encoding of discount.
  5. For payment.

OIC Scholarships and Grants
[email protected]

Liaison Officer
[email protected]
0915-872 8407